Show #310: Katie Mason & Joe Jennison

Show #310: Katie Mason & Joe Jennison
Green City

By Lynnae Marty Hentzen

This week we continue our series on Main Street communities and the essential role they play in driving and supporting the three-legged stool of sustainability including economic vitality, environmental awareness, and social support structures and connections.

This is the third show in our series and I’m excited about this week’s discussion with two Main Street directors who represent smaller communities who share their experience and insight from a more rural perspective. In our conversation we continue to focus on not only shopping small and local this holiday season but also shopping early, since many shops are seeing extended delays in ordering merchandise to stock their shelves.

According to Chatmeter, a local brand management website, the environmental benefits of shopping locally include:

  • Decreased emissions related to travel: The transportation of goods typically involves gas consumption. Buying locally means goods have less distance to travel to the consumer.

  • Decreased packaging: Goods typically need to be packaged for long-distance travel.

  • Ease of responsible sourcing: It is easier to know whether a good is produced ethically when it comes from your community.

  • Keeping land in the hands of locals: When you buy local, you support local farmers and producers in favor of large corporations. These local individuals have more incentive to treat the land well.

  • Keeping farms and factories small: It can be harmful to the land if it is bought up as a resource to burn for a large corporation. A larger number of small businesses can help prevent serious, concentrated damage to the ecosystem.”

    Joining in this week’s discussion are:

Joe Jennison, director of the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Community Development Group and Katie Mason, Main Street Coon Rapids Executive Director & Coon Rapids community coordinator

We hope you find ways to shop, dine, and experience your local Main Street this holiday season and throughout the year. 

Key Takeaways from our discussion: 

-       Main Street organizations focus on and support the design, organization, promotion and economic vitality of the district.

-       Both Joe and Katie worked at newspapers before taking on their role as director of a main street.

-       They direct the ‘go-to’ organization in town that helps to focus projects and connect people.

-       They promote the businesses and quality of life in their communities.

-       The Main Street organizations allow individuals to make a difference in their own community; the ideas and the work come from the bottom up via the people involved.

-       Community sustainability is a big puzzle and all the pieces are essential.

-       It is critical to have all the various types of businesses and service providers to make the community whole.

-       Small business owners are the first to support community schools and non-profits; they are the backbone of the community – this is your time to give back!

-       Downtown is the “living room” of the community

-       Shop – Have Fun – Hang Out


Remember . . .


             - Creating jobs

            - Keeping money in the local economy

            - Investing in entrepreneurship

            - Nurturing a sense of community

            - Supporting the environment by reducing waste and conserving energy

             “In a world where you can shop anywhere, shop local!”


         Thank you for listening to today’s discussion. Let’s continue the conversation and learn from each other. 

