For most of this year, we’ve focused on various topics by combining multiple shows within a series. It has been a good way to dig a little deeper on a particular area of sustainability and I’ve enjoyed the process and the conversations. It has also been fun to bring in a co-host occasionally. Thanks to Bob Riley, Olivia Hicks, and Alicia Vasto for lending your expertise and insight.
For the rest of this year, we’ve decided to bring back my original format and invite guests who are local eco-heroes within our midst. Some may be familiar to you and some may not be, but we find all of their stories inspiring and are excited to share them with you.
There is a heightened sense of urgency to retaining our life on this planet as of late, so these conversations will be focused on climate change, our human impact on the diminishing natural resources we depend on, and various ideas and sources of inspiration and hope for a path forward to a more sustainable world.
Joining us this week is Christine Curry, who currently serves on the board of the Raccoon River Watershed Association as well as serving on the boards of two Izaak Walton League chapters. Christine is a passionate advocate for animals, nature, people, art, and the environment. As a committed project and product developer and a creative problem solver, her contributions include establishing internationally recognized marine and sustainable agriculture programs and organizations. She is currently working with others to build viable networks and coordinate strong partnerships in Iowa and beyond to achieve clean water and healthy soil and food.
Key Takeaways from our discussion:
- Making connections in our region and across the world are key as we work on solutions to climate change
- Discussions of the impacts of climate change can be daunting to us all and many choose to disconnect from the reality because it is too much to comprehend
- Everyone wants clean water and good food but they just don’t know how to help
- Misinformation is problematic
- Christine works on efforts to plant seeds of hope and change
- Working on basic needs for all and essential changes to ensure resiliency and sustainability into the future aren’t radical
- The environmental movement matters and one of the best ways to get involved is to VOTE! Ask your elected officials questions. Find out where they stand on issues essential to the long term sustainability of our environment and the resources we depend on.
- We have so many great organizations doing great work in all aspects of sustainability. Find one that you resonate with and reach out and get involved.
An additional note – a great event is happening on Thursday, November 18th, hosted by the Iowa Environmental Council – Bright Ideas 2021. Check out the details here!
“The more clearly we can focus our attention
On the wonders and realities
Of the universe about us
The less taste we shall have
For destruction.”
~ Rachel Carson
Thank you for checking out today’s discussion.
Let’s continue the conversation and learn from each other.