After a year of challenges, including less time in the studio due to the pandemic, I’m excited to announce a new 9-week series. Co-hosting with Bob Riley Jr., this series focuses on the Seven Community Capitals, developed by Cornelia Butler Flora and Jan L. Flora from Iowa State University in 2008. Bob approached me a few months ago and asked if this might be a good topic for my Green City radio show and I believe it very much fits under that broad umbrella of Sustainability, which is the general scope of the show. The Seven Capitals that we will be examining are: Natural, Social, Financial, Political, Human, Cultural & Built.
It is an honor to be hosting with Bob because he is truly one of the wisest men I know. In reading his brief bio, you can see that he is accomplished in many arenas, especially the intersection of the environment and agriculture. More importantly, he really listens, and then ponders, and ultimately connects with others to bring about understanding and action on issues that need to be addressed within our communities.
Through each of our discussions, we are focused on the possibilities ahead in a post-Covid Aspirational World!
It is our hope, that through the discussions with our guests, we will take a closer look at the important role each of these capitals plays in the over all strength, resilience, vitality and sustainability of evolving communities, whether rural, suburban, or urban. As stated in a Community Vitality & Sustainability article published by Lionel J. “Bo” Beaulieu at Purdue University, “One of the challenges that local leaders and citizens constantly face is finding a coherent way to address the variety of challenges facing their communities.”
“The issue at hand is to find a framework that captures the multi-dimensional nature of community life.”
We also aim to illustrate how important the connectivity and co-operation of all of these capitals is to a community’s success and each individual’s well-being. As mentioned in a University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Agricultural Economics article, “A careful description of strategies and outcomes using the Community Capitals Framework provides solid evidence of asset development and reveals the interaction among the capitals that can cause an upward spiral of positive community change.”
This first show introduces the series by giving an overall summary of these Seven Capitals and why they are all necessary for thriving, sustainable communities. Over the next two months, Bob and I will be having conversations with guests who have direct experience and insight with each of the Seven Capitals. We believe you will be inspired by their examples.
As John F. Kennedy once said . . .
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”
And as Benjamin Franklin stated . . .
“Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I may remember, Involve me and I learn..”
Something to Think About:
There will be a Post-Covid World – let’s dream of an aspirational one!
Collaboration and connectivity are key in developing sustainable communities
We recognize our commonalities when we are focused on the greater good.
We look forward to the discussions as we learn from each other.