Show #298: Mike Armstrong


By Lynnae Marty Hentzen

This week we begin a new series focused on transportation. There are varying degrees of environmental impact with all the options we have available to us and it is worth taking a closer look. We will learn from experts imbedded in the various forms of transit to find out more about what currently exists and what lays on the horizon for the near future. In our discussions, we hope to encourage you to examine your own way of “getting around” and see if you can make some adjustments that might be healthier for you, better for our communities, and more sustainable for our planet.

As stated in the Complete streets at the municipal level: A review of American municipal Complete Street Policy, written by Kelly Gregg & Paul Hess (published July 2018), “The Complete Streets Act of 2009 preceded a proliferation of municipal level complete streets policies across the United States. These policies aim to challenge auto-centric street design standards in favor of ‘complete streets’ that are safe for users of all abilities. This proliferation of ‘complete streets’ policy is noteworthy progress in addressing the needs of non-motorized street users and sustainable transportation.”

Joining us today is Mike Armstrong, Director of Planning & Communications for the Street Collective here in Des Moines. They provide countless opportunities for education, empowerment, and social change through advocacy, community planning services, coalition-building, charitable bicycle donations, education programs, events, and more. They also offer the region’s only nonprofit “do-it-together” community workspace.

Located in Des Moines’ East Village at 506 East 6th Street; it’s worth checking them out!!

Tune in to the podcast to hear all about the great work of the Street Collective!


Key Takeaways from our discussion: 

-       Changing the way that we get around changes the way that we see a place

-       Communities are enhanced if they provide safe, comfortable, convenient, & accessible options for all levels of transportation — motorized and non-motorized

-       The Street Collective sees value in skill building and teaching how to take care of and repair your bike instead of just fixing it for you

-       They not only recycle bikes that are donated by refurbishing and selling or donating them, but they also recycle anything they can’t use

-       Des Moines is the oldest, continuously running B-Cycle program in the country and they were in the top 5 for the largest growth in ridership last year! Yay, Des Moines!

-       If you want to incorporate more active transportation into your life, start with the lowest hurdle; find something that can easily fit into your existing routine — take a walk in the evening or ride your bike to a restaurant.

-       Everything is cumulative. Small choices we make that are a little bit more sustainable, provide a foundation to build on for future changes. It gets us going in the right direction!

            “Do your little bit of good where you are;

                        It’s those little bits of good

                                    Put together that overwhelm the world.”

                                                ~Archbishop Desmond Tutu



            “The ultimate test of man’s conscience 

                        may be his willingness to sacrifice something today 

                                    for future generations 

                        whose words of thanks will not be heard.”

                                    ~ Gaylord Nelson


Thank you for listening to today’s discussion. Let’s continue the conversation and learn from each other.