By Lynnae Marty Hentzen
This week’s guest is Shelby Smith, owner and originator of GYM-N-EAT Crickets. Shelby operates her cricket business from her family’s farm northeast of Ames, Iowa. After attending Saint Joseph University in Philadelphia and playing basketball for the university, she moved to Ireland for four-and-a-half years.
She played professional BB with Sports Changes Life and worked for National Bank of Canada. Persuaded to move back to the farm by her family and encouraged by them to find a niche, she found cricket farming appealing.
As a serious athlete, the high protein “livestock” intrigued her. Shelby also liked the simple—but not easy—breeding and harvesting process as well as the minimal environmental impact of raising crickets—minimal water, space and inputs required.
I haven’t tried any of Shelby’s products yet but I must say, I am now interested in trying it out; I think I’ll start with the chocolate sea salt bites or protein balls.
You can find Shelby at the Ames Farmer’s Market and learn more about her products and her story on Facebook at Gym-N-Eat Crickets LLC.
Something to think about:
Henry David Thoreau once said...
“Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain.”
And as Jane Goodall has said...
“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide. What kind of difference you want to make.”
Thank you Shelby, for your innovative farming of crickets, providing an environmentally sound and high protein food for endurance athletes and everyday consumers.
We are truly grateful.